Sunday 10 July 2016

23 Mayors involve in Drugs will be named soon

After President Rodrigo "Digong" Duterte named the 5 generals allegedly involved in drugs syndicate during his speech in 69th anniversary of Philippine Air Force, more public officials (mayors) are set to be exposed.

Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director General Ronald "Bato" Dela Rosa said that “The President has the list of these local executives involved in illegal drugs. I can’t reveal their identities, only the President can make public their names".

He said the President may ask the Department of the Interior and Local Government to take action against the local government officials linked to drugs.

Retired police deputy director general Marcelo Garbo Jr. being one of the 5 generals named by Duterte, told The STAR that he is willing to clear his name with the President if he's given the chance.

Garbo claimed that Duterte got “wrong and poisoned” information about him and he promised to cooperate with the investigation against them.

“It’s sad to know that there are mayors who are involved. I hope these mayors are now armed to the fullest for them to fight us,” Dela Rosa said.

“We will treat them like ordinary criminals because they committed a crime,” he added.

“I don’t care if you’re a mayor or if you get reelected because of your drug money. There will be no special treatment,” the new PNP chief stated.

Chosen authorities indulging drug rulers ought to be managed extremely, he said, because they have waste the trust of the people who place them in the position and local government officials should serve as role models.

Source: Philstar
