Saturday 13 August 2016

Alunan cite conditions for 1992 agreement that Marcos should not beburied in LNMB

During the Ramos administration, a binding agreement for President Marcos' burial in Ilocos Norte still applies to date. This is according to Rafael Alunan III who was one of the signatories of the said agreement. The anti Marcos opposed the transfer of the dictator to the Libingan ng mga Bayani.

A number of Ex Detainees from the group SELDA, martial law abuses survivors said that they are hoping for an intervention from the Supreme Court this week regarding this matter. It is as Alunan who was tasked to have talks with the Marcoses representing the government. He has talks with the First Lady Imelda Marcos on terms of the return of the dictator's remains to the country.

Marcos died in Hawaii after his government was overrun by a People Power in 1986. Which paved the way for the first female president Cory Aquino. During a press conference yesterday at CGEA in Quezon City, he gave an over view the terms: that the body will be brought from Hawaii directly to the Philippines; that e will be given Military Honors being a Major in the AFP; he won't be paraded in the Metro Manila. The reasons behind these terms is because at that time the memories of the dictatorship was still fresh and Alunan said they don't want stir the people's emotions and bloodshed might explode. So it is clear that a burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani is not one of the terms.

Alunan further added that, this agreement can be found in the archives of Malacañang for anyone who wishes to have a copy. The binding deal remains. Despite the terms, the Marcos family never buried the former president instead they preserved his body thru a refrigerated crypt found in the ancestral home of the Marcoses in Batac. Further Alunan retorted to queries if the terms sticks to date, he said that it is for at that time he acted for the President for an hour and so. But if The current President Duterte thinks otherwise, he said it is the Duterte's discretion already adding that the office of the president is very powerful. He added also that, Ramos and him are now civilians and they can't be forced to comply with the terms also.

The 1992 terms, specially the 4th one, can be used by the opposing groups of the burial of the late dictator at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. President Duterte being friends of the Marcos family allows his burial there and stating that he was actually a soldier and a president that his wrong doings is set aside because of those reasons.
