Friday 17 June 2016

Health Benefits of Fern "Paco" Leaves


Ferns are commonly known to most as just mere plants that grows in the mountain areas. Little did we know that there is one kind of this in the Philippines called Paco that is edible to eat. It's famous in the country eaten as salad or ingredients in local cuisines. In as much as it is a vegetable, it comes with the following nutrients that we can get from it.



Photo courtesy of pineapplepost

The 5 Healthy Nutrients of Fern Leaves:

1. One of the nutrient Paco is rich for is Vit A which is responsible for maintaining a healthy balanced skin, eyes and respiratory system

2. Thiamine or Vit B aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates to simple sugar which is the source of energy of our cells, Paco is rich in vit b thus its classification as green leafy vegetables suits it. Thiamine also helps with the good functioning of the nervous system

3. Like all green and leafy vegetables, Paco is very rich in iron, this mineral plays a very important role in the production of red blood cells. Iron also is also the one in charge of proper distribution of oxygen to the body.

4. Phosphorous is a mineral like calcium which plays a role in the absorption and usage of carbohydrates in our body. This mineral is found in Paco, phosphorus also is needed with teeth and bone growth.

5. Paco like most vegetables is also rich in Calcium, a mineral which is useful for the the outmost function of the cardiac system and serves as a conductor for the nervous system. To add, calcium is needed for bone and teeth formation.

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