Monday 15 August 2016

SWS: Aquino admin’s last net satisfaction rating ‘very good’... thenDuterte started his term

The administration of former President Benigno Aquino III received a “very good” net satisfaction rating just days before he stepped down from office, according to the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.

Results of SWS poll conducted from June 24 to 27 among 1,200 respondents showed that Aquino’s net satisfaction rating rose to a “very good” +50 from a “good” +35 in April this year.

This was before Rody Duterte started his term and started a massive campaign against illegal drugs and corruption which exposed the past administration of Pnoy to be a coddler of big time Drug Lords and corrupt officials which could have ended the Philippines as a narco state.

Did Pnoy coddled drug Lords? Most definitely yes! Either out of his sheer incompetence, or outright conspiracy...

That’s the only conclusion one would get after the police all over the country, following incoming President Duterte’s announced priority, have arrested or killed drug lords and dealers in just a few weeks.

All of a sudden — with thousands of self-admitted, small-time dealers and users even surrendering to authorities, fearing they would be victims of summary executions — the nation has been awakened to the reality that our drug problem, which really afflicts mostly the poor, indeed has reached horrific proportions. So much so that many sectors of this purportedly Catholic nation are now reviving the call for the death penalty.

Such scale of the illegal-drug and crime menace couldn’t have emerged overnight. I can only conclude that President Aquino allowed it to grow during his six years in office. He had hundreds of millions of pesos in confidential funds, and the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission (headed by his executive secretary, Paquito Ochoa), yet did little to fight the drug lords.

Anyway, back to the statistics of Pnoy’s rating....

Results of SWS poll conducted from June 24 to 27 this year, among 1,200 respondents showed that Aquino’s net satisfaction rating rose to a “very good” +50 from a “good” +35 in April this year.

below, “SWS terminology for net satisfaction ratings are as follows: +70 and above, “excellent;” +50 to +69, “very good;” +30 to +49, “good;” +10 to +29, “moderate;” +9 to -9, “neutral;” -10 to -29, “poor;” -30 to -49, “bad;” -50 to -69, “very bad;” -70 and execrable.”

December 2013 was the last time the Aquino Administration received a “very good” net satisfaction rating. While his highest was in June 2013 at +66

Specific issues:

For developing Science and Technology (+54)

Promoting the welfare of OFW (+52)

Helping the poor (+51)

Foreign relations (+48)

Defending the country’s territorial rights (+45)

Restoring peace to Mindanao (+43)

Providing jobs (+40)

Fighting crimes (+31)

Meanwhile, the following issues received a moderate NET satisfaction:

Eradicating graft and corruption (+27)

Reconciliation with Muslim rebels (+25)

Communist rebels (+25)

Ensuring that no family will be hungry (+25)

Fighting inflation (+19)

Aquino’s administration also had a higher net satisfaction rating in:

Visayas (+62)

Mindanao (+60)

NCR (+32)

Luzon (+45)


Class D and E (+51)

Class ABC (+24)


“President Rodrigo R. Duterte however, begins his stint as the country’s 16th president with an overwhelming majority of his constituents expressing trust in him (91% Excellent) and practically no one distrusting him (0.2%). The rest of Filipinos (8%) cannot say if they trust or distrust President Duterte,” Pulse Asia president Ronald Holmes said.

Source: Inquirer
