Tuesday 16 August 2016

Binay: Pnoy failed to act on his recommendation to bury Marcos in Batacwith full Military Honors.

Sometime in 2011, former vice president Jejomar Binay was tasked by Noynoy Aquino, who was then the president that time to study the house resolution seeking the burial of the Late President Marcos in the Libingan ng mga Bayani.

Joey Salgado, Binay’s spokesperson said that the office of the Vice president consulted various sectors and received over 3000 responses through text.

He also consulted the Marcoses and eventually came up with an endorsement that the Aquino Government would allow the remains of Marcos to be buried in Batac but with full military honors.

Somehow the Aquino Administration failed to act on his recommendation until their term expired last June.

The Aquino administration missed an opportunity to lay the Marcos burial issue to rest when it did not act on former VP Binay’s recommendation made as early as 2011 to allow the burial of Marcos in Batac, Ilocos Norte,” Salgado said.

That is why the nation is again torn by debates over a sensitive issue that could have been settled a long time ago.

Ang rekomendasyon ko noon, pabayaan na’ng malibing sa Batac, tapos bigyan ng honors dahil sya naman ay nagging Commander-in-Chief” Binay said in one of his interviews.

Binay, who expressed his support to bury Marcos in the Libingan ng mga Bayani, was vocal about it, even mentioning it during the 2016 Presidential debates.

Both him and the winner of the 2016 election, President Duterte expressed their willingness to bury him in the LIBINGAN.

Pres. Duterte also was firm in his stand that even though Marcos is not considered a hero by many, he was still a soldier who served and defended his country and was eventually elected as President of the Republic.

These two qualifications, in accordance to the law, are enough for President Duterte to allow the Body of Marcos to be buried in the LIBINGAN.

Human rights

On Monday, several human rights victims during marshal law made a petition to the supreme court to void the Government and the Defence department’s order,s allowing Marcos’ burial in the LIBINGAN, stating that it is illegal and contrary to law, public policy and moral justice and will send a cynical and odious message that Marcos is a hero.

In addition to that, the historical facts and records states that he plundered the people’s money and committed human rights violations during marshal law, and will portray the victims as liars.

Nevertheless, the President is firm...  Bury Marcos in the LIBINGAN and move on...

Source: Inquirer
