Tuesday 12 July 2016

Oplan TokHang: 263 drug users and pushers surrender in Siquijor

In Siquijor, 263 drug pushers and customers from this province have surrendered to authorities following the implementation of Oplan TokHang via the Philippine National Police (PNP).

Deputy Police Director for administration Police Supt. Enrique Belcina said to the Siquijor Police Provincial Office (SPPO) have consolidated a total of 196 houses visited provincewide from July 1 to 11:00 a.m of July 12.

In this period, 212 drug user and 51 drug pushers have voluntarily surrendered, but Belcina said none of the drug personalities have surrendered illegal druds nor committed hostility or in denial, introduced Belcina in his document.

He stated that SPPO Provincial Director Erson Digal is installing vicinity suitable programs in coordination with the local authorities gadgets because Siquijor province has no rehabilitation facilities nor appropriate group to handle and accommodate them.

TokHang, brief of Toktok-Hangyo is part of Oplan Double Barrel aligned with the objective of President Rodrigo Duterte on anti-drug campaign is geared toward drug pushers, customers, and protectors of illegal drugs to lower and stop their illicit activities.

Of the reported variety of homes visited and drug personalities having surrenderd, Siquijor has 36 for houses visited, 32 for drug users and 19 drug pusher surrenderees.

In Larena town, 47 houses had been visited at the same time as 20 users and 6 pushers have surrendered.

In Enrique Villanueva, 8 homes were visited and one drug consumer surrendered whilst in Maria city, there were 41 homes visited and 75 drug users and 12 pushers who surrendered.

In Lazi, 19 houses had been visited and 19 drug users and 10 pushers surrendered.
