Wednesday 22 June 2016

Cory Aquino Magiging Santo?

Payag ba talaga tayo maging santo si ex-President Cory Aquino?

If that's the case she will become the third Filipino saint... after a Jesuit priest Fr. Catalino Arevalo, a close friend of the the Aquinos said that he will work on her beatification process. Sinasabi kasi na 'eligible' lang ito kapag anim na taon ng patay ang naturing tao.

Fr. Arevalo said that he sees no problem with starting the beatification process for Cory since she was a person with “extraordinary Christian virtues.”

“From what I know of Tita Cory, I see no difficulty whatsoever and I think that we should start thinking of the possibility of starting a process ourselves,” Arevalo said.

Coming from the critics of the Aquino Administration said that aiming the sainthood of the late Aquino was part of the "Tuwid na Daan" campaign by Mar Roxas and Pnoy.

A reaction from a netizen commented in social media (Facebook) said that this is a big insult to the people who suffered during the Cory administration and especially to the victims of Hacienda Luisita.

