Monday 11 July 2016

Robredo go over for President Rodrigo Duterte’s war towards drugs and criminality

VP Leni Robredo on Tuesday advised government to investigate the rising number of extrajudicial killings instances as she expressed problem over the “growing culture of vigilantism” in the country.

Robredo  go over for President Rodrigo Duterte’s war towards drugs and criminal activity.

In her statement, Robredo said she trusts that the President, her fellow lawyer, will abide by means of the law.

Robredo advised government ought to look at the summary executions happening in extraordinary towns and provinces recently.

“We hope that the war is not done at the expense of the innocent and defenseless. We encourage authorities concerned to look into these cases. If there is really culpability, then justice requires that appropriate cases be filed and that those proven to be accountable be punished,” she said.

“Since the President is a lawyer and former prosecutor, we trust that he will do what is appropriate,” Robredo added.

Source: Inquirer
